Know about 3 tier architecture of web application.

Post 9: How 3 tier architecture works for web application: 

The 3-tier architecture is a common architectural pattern used in web applications. It divides the application into three interconnected layers or tiers, with each tier having a specific role to play. The three tiers are:

Presentation tier: This tier is responsible for presenting the user interface and interacting with the user. It is also known as the client tier or user interface tier. It includes web pages, forms, and other user interface components.

Application tier: This tier contains the application logic and is responsible for processing user requests, handling business logic, and interacting with the database. It is also known as the middle tier or logic tier. This tier may consist of one or more application servers.

Data tier: This tier is responsible for managing the data used by the application. It stores data in databases and provides services for storing, retrieving, and updating data. It is also known as the database tier.

The 3-tier architecture provides several benefits, such as scalability, flexibility, and maintainability. By separating the application into distinct layers, each layer can be managed independently, making it easier to add new features, modify existing ones, or optimize performance. This architecture also enables developers to reuse code and components across multiple projects, reducing development time and cost.

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